Thursday, February 18, 2021

 Inhaling the sun


I live next-door to yellow dwarf star with the official designation: “GV.” Stars in this classification have a surface temperature between 5,300 and 6,000 Kelvin, and fuse hydrogen into helium to generate their light. They live around 10 billion years.



Molecules collide in a welter as

a wild star’s whirling exhalations caress 

my home, this tiny planet.


Particles of light and heat 

stream into elision with my own warm body,

for I am a child of that star.


Stellar wind has traveled into others before me, 

finding secret doors and carrying life.

It will travel ahead into lives I will never see

and thus are we all bound, past and future.


We are golden vessels of the sun’s wise love.

Light overtakes us, re-creates and 

renews deep places in each beating heart—

we who are the remains of stars ourselves.  


Sun’s breath reminds us of living and then 


with each word, 

each prayer, 

each sigh,


leaves us to bless other lives. 

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